All posts by COGGY Intelligence

An owl as a metaphor for self perception

In Time

Life is a strange happening. Human perception and cognition are strange as well. Our whole development, our cultures and societies are crazy. Now I am sitting in front of a computer. In the Middle Ages I probably would have been a monk – or a knight AND a monk – sitting in front of dozens of Greek, Latin, Arabian or Persian books to study the world and the phenomenas that surround us – as well as I am doing it today.

Time is a strange concept, it feels rather as a metaphor than something what is real – really real. What do I do now when I’m typing this text? Where do my thoughts come from? Why do they connect to an idea that becomes a sequence of #words, a sentence?

How do I know how you will understand this idea, this sentence? How do you know how I will understand your sentence in the way you thought it – or whichever structure formed it (your sentence)  before you saw it as an idea, before you went looking for pictures, ideas and metaphors inside your very own your mind in order to explain your temporary existence?

And now begin to see, that we as humans developed processes such as delegation because some individuals are capable of being a member of something we call “a government”. Or some people are able to build scientific or material or communicative infrastructures.

Begin to see, that human development is a very complicated thing which implies the application of many sophisticated material and social “technologies” and that there is no simple solution to the issue of equality.

Begin to see that almost any ideology that aims to achieve human equality is a temporary process which is driven by evolution and which very often creates inequality as a very result of its actions but also more equality regarding specific topics. Begin to see that without these movements we would experience almost no progress. Begin to understand that human motion is in many cases not based on human understanding but on processes that we still don’t understand nor can moderate or explain.

It appears as if history is something that is arranged by human cognition as a linear process of familiar and obviously known events while it actually is an almost unknown process which is the result of very complex relations and contexts.

Just imagine the infinite possibilities of potential and actual thoughts and the vast space of interpersonal connections that are possible at a certain moment in time and now think of how plain we sum it all up to this linear story that we call our history – in order to understand what actually happens to us, with us and through us. – A blinking cursor at the end of this sentence. And now at the end of this one. Progress.

by Mika Garau, COGGY Intelligence, CEO

engel _ angel

On liberalism

The West has to remain liberal‬. This is the source of our success‬ and of our empathy‬. The basis of liberalism has always been that individual human being were taught to understand the process of societal developments so that they could not become a victim of ideology, contemporary forces or propagandistic lies.

True liberalism‬ is not about economy‬ or a certain political agenda. It is about emancipating onseself from processes that do not take care of humans (independent of their gender) and it is configured as a movement that stands up against societies that do not allow free thinking.

Engravings | Gravuren

Engravings | Gravuren [en/de]

We leave engravings – traces of our mental and cognitive existence – in order to convince our minds that we are actually alive. Over time – cities, cultures and languages become a vivid evidence of this individual uncertainty. There is maybe no such thing as eras or technological development. Maybe this is all about the initial human state of mind and we are attaching words, concepts, novels and scientific ideas to this one, specific indicator board that temporarily represents the presence that is giving life to our world and to the imagination of our ideas in time. #mindfulthinking

[Picture: Some of the oldest artefacts humans ever engraved with symbols were found in the Blombos cave in South Africa. They are about 75 – 80,000 years old.]

Wir hinterlassen Gravuren – Spuren unserer psychischen und kognitiven Existenz -, um unseren Geist zu davon überzeugen, dass wir tatsächlich lebendig sind. Im Laufe der Zeit werden Städte, Kulturen und Sprachen zu einem lebendigen Beweis dieser individuellen Unsicherheit. Vielleicht gibt es so etwas wie Epochen oder die technologische Entwicklung gar nicht. Vielleicht dreht sich alles um den initialen menschlichen Geisteszustand und wir kleben Worte, Konzepte, Romane und wissenschaftliche Ideen an diese eine, spezielle Anzeigetafel, die vorübergehend jene Anwesenheit repräsentiert, die unsere Welt und die Vorstellung unserer Ideen lebendig macht.

[Foto: Einige der ältesten von Menschen mit Symbolen versehene  Artefakte wurden in der Blombos Höhle in Südafrika gefunden, sie sind zwischen 75.000 und 80.000 Jahre alt.]

Image license:
Copyright: Chris Henshilwood, photo by Henning